Punk is Dead: A Post-Apocalyptic Song Writing RPG

Article number: CKRPGPID
Availability: In stock (2)

Punk is Dead is a MÖRK BORG compatible TTRPG set in theUn-united Kingdom, where everything that could have gone wrong has gone wrong: nuclear war, pandemics, the collapse of law and order and monsters... a sh*t-ton of monsters.

If you've already played MÖRK BORG, it's gonna be a doddle to get cracking withPunk is Dead. If not, the core rulebook we're touting in this campaign will have you up and running in about 45 mins. YOU DON'T NEED ANY OTHER BOOKS TO PLAY PUNK IS DEAD!

It's also a game about creativity, nostalgia, friendship and bringing hope to a hopeless world through music.

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