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58 cards to help you easily reference all the rules, profiles, and abilities for your Chaos Daemons army.
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WH40k Index Chaos Daemons Datacards
Genestealer Cults consist of mutated acolytes, turncoat soldiers, and predatory alien monsters.
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WH40k Index Genestealer Cults Datacards
63 cards to help you easily reference all the rules, profiles, and abilities for your Aeldari armies.
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WH40k Index Aeldari Datacards
18 cards to help you easily reference the rules for your Black Templars army, for use with Index: Space Marines (available separately).
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WH40k Index Black Templars Datacards
18 Blood Angels datasheet cards keep your rules, stats, and abilities close to hand.
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WH40k Index Blood Angels Datacards
This 184-page book is a Crusade expansion for Warhammer 40K that lays out the grim narrative of the Fourth Tyrannic War, along with all the rules you need to play narrative games, build and upgrade a Crusade army between games, and run your own campaigns.
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WH40k Crusade Tyrannic War
This 280-page hardback book is an essential guide to Warhammer 40,000, and contains everything you need to know to collect, build, paint, and play with Citadel miniatures in the grim darkness of the 41st Millennium.
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WH40k 10th Edition Core Rulebook
Drive your troops across the battlefield...
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WH40k Space Marine Razorback
The Mirrored City of Shadespire is a nightmare plane of illusion and madness, an ever-changing labyrinth of endless stairs, cramped streets, and soaring archways. Dare you enter and claim the glory that awaits?
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Warhammer Underworlds Two-Player Starter Set
The Headsmen’s Curse is an aggressive warband, seeking to bring the justice of Nagash to the Wyrdhollow.
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Warhammer Underworlds Wyrdhollow The Headsmen's Curse
A curious affliction has been observed in Wyrdhollow – The energy from loosed Realmshaper Engines is striking living creatures and altering them to some unknown purpose.
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Warhammer Underworlds Wyrdhollow Voidcursed Thralls
Air paints pair seamlessly with the rest of the Citadel Colour range, featuring a thinner formulation that makes them work perfectly with your airbrush.
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Citadel Air Troll Slayer Orange
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